My Humble Blogworld

To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" William Shakespeare, "Hamlet" (1600-01)

Friday, May 13, 2005

The 10 Worst Security Practices

I was inspired to write this post as I encounter an amazing act of a "genius" today.

As i got in to the "office" , I was put to handle a situation of a client who had their security systems tapped and breached, by their own computer vendor ! The vendor apparently sold Computer systems which were "complete". Well, complete it was... complete with hardware key loggers ! Now these key loggers were embedded into the keyboards, and the reason for this ?

Corporate Espionage !

The vendor was paid by the client's competitors to do such things !


With these situations occuring more commonly by the day, I said to myself , " Krishna you have to post this ! "

Most of the administrators or infosecurity managers often have the mentality , that "Hey , I have a firewall.. Anti-virus.. I have my vendor to do the rest ! - I AM SAFE"

Yea rite. Think again buddy.

The 10 Worst Security Practices


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