My Humble Blogworld

To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" William Shakespeare, "Hamlet" (1600-01)

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hacker Steals President Bush's Identity

Now , here's a cheer for you H4X0rZ (Hackers) out there !

A huge amount of confusion, disbelief, and " WTFs" were felt in White House after Pres. Bush announced that an Arizona man, had stolen Bush's identity, veto'ed a bill, and met with the Mexican President Vicente Fox !

This man was known to authorities only as "H4xX0r1337" .

"I feel so violated", Bush said.

"I'm with you brother ! Yea rite ! Hehe " Krishna said.

"I've got another idea ! Search for weapons of mass destruction ! Hehe" Krishna added.

Now , Not only does "H4xX0r1337" have the credit-card information, he also has Bush's Social Security number, all his personal information, and the launch codes for a number of ballistic intercontinental nuclear missiles !

Someone is finally feeling the "threat" .

The Onion | Arizona Man Steals Bush's Identity, Vetoes Bill, Meets With Mexican President


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