My Humble Blogworld

To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" William Shakespeare, "Hamlet" (1600-01)

Monday, June 20, 2005

GooglePAL ?

Now this is something very interesting, i thought to myself, I had to blog about !

Google, the leading search engine company in search of itself has again
added a new service to its eclectic portfolio. Later this year, Google
plans to offer an electronic payment service that will compete directly
with PayPal, owned by eBay. Services will, reportedly, include processing
payments using consumer credit cards and checking accounts, the mainstay of
PayPal's service !

Should Google enter the payment processing market, PayPal will have to
dance with the wolf, and catch up quickly, if it wants to remain in business.
E-business helps to flatten the world, and Google is taking full advantage of
of its global presence and name.

Before you go any further read this: Paypal Sucks

Google Plans Online Payment Service


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